As Baba told me, I have already created the website, and it has been live since January 21, 2025. Now, I’m just waiting for the next instruction on where to begin. I know everything will unfold in its own time, and all I have to do is wait.
There’s so much happening right now it’s hard to see things clearly. Once I have clarity, I will know what to do next.
For now, I spend almost all day connected to Baba online, just listening to what he says and trying to make sense of it. He feels like a powerful magnet, and I’m being pulled towards him. His face has something that makes me want to keep watching his videos. This has never happened to me before.
One change I’m noticing in myself is that the worry has gone away. I feel like I just want to close my eyes and meditate. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose. Earlier, it was like I could never be satisfied, even when I have everything the world can offer.
Baba doesn’t speak to me directly, but whenever a new thought comes to me, I also feel like I’m being told this by him. It’s so subtle that I don’t completely understand it, but I don’t resist it either. I just follow it.
Even when I’ve been watching his videos for two hours and get up for a break, it feels like I’m waking up from a dream and returning to the reality of this world. I tell myself, “Now it’s enough, time to start working. There’s a lot to be done.” But as soon as I sit back down, my mind and hands aren’t in my control anymore. I end up on YouTube, and there he is, all over my homepage. It’s like every second video is about him.
Today, Baba told me that I should start meditating, even if it’s slowly, so my connection with him strengthens. He said that right now, it’s hard for him to connect with me because there is so much noise on his side, which will continue until the Kumbh Mela. He asked me to use this time to meditate so that our connection will be stronger when the time comes.
So far, I don’t feel the urge to meet him physically. Maybe he is already so close that I don’t feel any separation. There’s no hurry.