Decoding Being: The Dance of Existence

By Abhey Singh (IIT Baba)

Ref Original Article: 9. Being – Abhey Singh

The sky shifts. The clouds move. Light bends and changes, casting colors onto everything it touches. A bird flies, its wings slicing through the vastness above. A river flows, carving its own rhythm into the silence. Everything—everything—is in motion.

And yet, we don’t see it.

We walk past, lost in thought, caught in expectations, burdened by past and future. But what if, just for a moment, we stopped? What if we simply watched?

This article is not about philosophy nor about answers. It is about being. About dissolving the noise of thought and becoming an observer of life as it unfolds.

1. The Ever-Changing Beauty of Now

“The sky so beautiful… so so beautiful. Dance of clouds & light. It’s changing. And every change is beautiful.”

Nothing in life is still. The sky is never the same, even for a second. A sunset never repeats itself. Every ripple in a river is new.

But we don’t notice. We are always waiting for the big moments, the rare beauty, the special days. And in doing so, we miss the endless beauty that is always happening.


Have you ever watched a tree move with the wind? Not just glanced at it, but really watched? There is grace in its motion, a silent dance that requires no audience.

Life does not wait to be admired. It just moves.

2. You Cannot Understand Life Through Words

“If you think these words know it, that’s not possible.”

Words try to capture life, but they fail.

I can write about the sound of a river, but can you hear it?
I can describe a sunset, but can you see it?

Thoughts are just reflections of reality, never reality itself. The moment we try to define something, we have already limited it.


A poet may write a thousand lines about love, but love is not in the words. Love is in the heartbeat, in the silence between two people, in the feeling that cannot be named.

Experience is the only truth.

3. Consciousness is a Dance

“The sound of the river, the heartbeat, muscles expanding, relaxing—it’s all a dance of consciousness.”

Everything in you, outside you, around you—is in motion.

  • Your breath moves in and out.
  • Your blood flows in rhythm.
  • Your thoughts rise and fall.

And just like the wind moves the trees, just like the sun moves the shadows, our consciousness is also in constant movement.


Close your eyes. Listen to your heartbeat. Feel the air touching your skin. Everything is moving, even in stillness.

To be aware of this movement is to be alive.

4. The Mind Lights Up What It Focuses On

“That monkey mind… where it sits, that tree gets lit up.”

Have you noticed that whatever you focus on seems to expand?

  • If you are anxious, even small problems feel huge.
  • If you are in love, everything looks beautiful.
  • If you focus on silence, the world slows down.

Your mind is a spotlight. Whatever it shines on becomes reality for you.


A child staring at an anthill can be mesmerized for hours. An adult sees it for a second and moves on. The difference? Attention.

What you focus on creates your world.

5. Sit. Just Sit. Be an Observer.

“Let’s sit… just sit… and be an observer for once.”

We are always doing. Always trying to achieve, understand, fix, plan. But life is not about constant movement. It is also about stopping. Watching. Simply being.

Have you ever just sat without a goal?

No phone. No music. No distractions. Just sat with life?


Sit in a park. Watch the birds, the sky, the people walking past. Not to analyze, not to judge, but just to see.

When you do this, something shifts. The mind slows down. The world becomes clearer.

Presence is not in action. It is in awareness.

6. The Sweetness of Life Lies in Experience, Not Understanding

“Just hear the bird. That’s what is called sweetness in sound.”

We often search for meaning in life. We try to understand love, happiness, and success. But what if meaning is not something to be found? What if meaning is something to be felt?

A bird sings not to be understood but simply because it sings.
The river flows not to explain something but simply because it flows.


A song is not made of words and notes. It is made of feeling. If you analyze it too much, you will never dance to it.

Life is not something to be understood. It is something to be lived.

7. Playing the Role Without Resistance

“Human does what human does. The sun does what the sun does. Playing the role, written with others.”

Everything has a role in this existence. The sun rises, the river flows, the tree grows. None of them resist their nature.

Only humans resist. We fight against what is.

  • We chase things instead of being content.
  • We fear change instead of accepting it.
  • We try to control life instead of flowing with it.


Imagine if the ocean resisted its waves. Imagine if the wind refused to blow.

To exist is to flow. To resist is to suffer.

8. Freedom Lies in Togetherness

“Freedom lies in togetherness. The realization that what is inside is outside.”

We think of freedom as individuality, as breaking away from everything. But real freedom is not separation—it is connection.

You are not separate from the world. You are made of the same energy, the same elements. What moves in you moves in everything.


A single wave is not separate from the ocean. It is the ocean. The moment it stops trying to be separate, it realizes its vastness.

You are not alone. You are part of everything.

9. The Alignment of Life

“It’s getting dark. Change of clothes. Alignment of energies.”

Life moves in cycles. Day to night. Birth to death. Growth to decay.

Everything aligns when we stop resisting these cycles. When we stop clinging to what was and start flowing with what is.

The sky darkens—not as an ending, but as a transition.
The wind changes—not as a disturbance, but as a rhythm.

Everything moves together. Everything is aligned.

Conclusion: Just Be

If there is one truth in all of this, it is simple:

You do not need to do anything to exist.

You do not need to find meaning.
You do not need to control life.
You do not need to fight the flow.

Sit. Watch. Listen.

Let go of the burden of thinking, of defining, of understanding.

Because life is already happening. You just have to be here to see it.

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