Medium Post 11: Night – Abhey Singh, May 25, 2021
How have I arrived here?
One holding the entire human history in mind, the weight of all that is transferred
The words have no value other than to play games with each other
Words, thoughts are supposed to be tools so that the consciousness can keep moving forward
But words uttered in the name of love have become the reason for hate
Parameters are drawn to measure human life
And there is race, stomping on each other, like a zombie we are running on the dead bodies
Titles will be given
‘Richest’ ‘most intelligent’ ‘ sexiest’ ‘powerful’…and the addiction to poison will keep going
In the end it will just be an entry into Wikipedia with words nobody actually cares about
If only we could realise how stupid we are
How meaningless we are
Then we could be stupid together but we are the saviour of the universe
We, who could not answer ‘who we are’, will save that which we are made of
Would you stop being in this stupid race
This way of looking at life with numbers: money, heart rate, google searches, number of followers …….. all numbers
The web we have built is tight though it won’t be easy to get out of this cycle of fear and desire
Till then
All we can do is to move towards night of destruction so that something new comes
Something has to die for something to be born
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